Arapahoe Pharmaceutical Company Case Study Solution

Arapahoe pharmaceutical company case study solution of strategic management
  1. Company Case Study Examples

When individuals, teams, or entire organizations remain Below The Line, unaware or unconscious of reality, things get worse, not better, without anyone knowing why. Rather than face reality, sufferers of this malady oftentimes begin ignoring or pretending not to know about their accountability, denying their responsibility, blaming others for their predicament, citing confusion as a reason for inaction, asking others to tell them what to do, claiming that they can't do it, or just waiting to see if the situation will miraculously resolve itself. The price that paid is:. Poor Results. Failed Initiatives. Missed Targets. Poor MoraleOnly by moving Above The Line and taking the Steps To Accountability to See It, Own It, Solve It and Do It can they become powerful again.

Acknowledging reality and seeing things as they really are allows you to escape the feelings of powerlessness that accompany Below The Line behavior and rise above those circumstances by addressing what you can do to overcome challenges and obstacles. That usually requires getting feedback from others. You can gain great insight from frequent, regular and ongoing feedback from other people.Honest input helps create the accurate picture of reality that lays a perfectly accurate description of reality.

Company Case Study Examples

RedPoint’s client is a major global pharmaceutical company offering a diverse portfolio of products for both treatment and prevention, including prescription drugs, generics, consumer healthcare products, and other solutions targeted at both physicians and individual consumers. The Challenges.

You must draw from many other people's perceptions to imbue your reality with the deepest possible understanding of its many hues and shades. Accountable people constantly seek feedback from a wide range of associates, whether it is team members, cross-functional partners or even outside vendors or suppliers. Remember, other people's perceptions of reality, whether you agree with them or not, always add important nuances to your own perception. The more perspectives you obtain, the more easily you can recognize when you're stuck Below The Line, move Above The Line and then encourage others to do likewise. Owning your circumstances depends on seeing where you may be languishing Below The Line. When we Own It, we make the tie between where we are at in terms of results, what we have done and where we want to be with what we are going to do. Rise of legends download full version.

It is often said, 'If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.' However, when it comes to owing it, we say: 'If you are not part of the problem, then you are not part of the solution.' Taking personal accountability for your problems empowers you to take that same level of accountability for solving those problems.People who own their circumstances never allow the actions of someone or something else to keep them stuck Below The Line. Instead, accountable people accept whatever ways in which their own behavior contributed to the situation and set about overcoming those circumstances, no matter how difficult. The benefits of owning your circumstances more than compensate for the sometimes heart-wrenching effort involved. When you find the heart to own your circumstances, you automatically gain the commitment to overcome and change those circumstances for the better.

The third dimension of accountability is the ability to Solve It. Simply acknowledging reality and accepting your role in creating your circumstances will achieve little if you fail to tackle real problems and remove true obstacles on your road to results. To do so, you must exercise wisdom. Getting to the Solve It step quickly can often make all the difference in the world. Solving It can begin even before you fully take the step. The wisdom to Solve It includes anticipating what could occur and preparing for the worst. When it does come, moving quickly to the Solve It step can make a huge difference.The Solve It attitude and behavior stem from continually asking the question, 'What else can I do?'

By constantly and rigorously asking this question, you avoid slipping back into the victim cycle whenever certain events occur that would otherwise seem to block the road to results. Since solutions to thorny problems often do not readily reveal themselves, you must diligently search for them, but beware of wasting time Below The Line because that will only dull your senses and discourage your imagination from discovering solutions. Ultimately, personal accountability means accepting full responsibility to achieve results and Do It. If you don't Do It, you'll never reap the most valuable benefit of full accountability: Overcoming the obstacles and achieving the results you want.

Despite the many benefits that accrue from applying the other three steps, results only come when you put all four steps together and passionately, proactively and persistently Do It!The Do It step bestows the full power of accountability that will help you get the individual and organizational results you need. This form of accountability comes after you have progressed through all four steps Above The Line. When you Do It, you stay Above The Line and prevent further ineffective sojourns Below The Line. Do It means that you will follow-through with the plan, implement the strategies and execute the ideas. By stopping at any step short of Do It, you will never fully achieve a permanent position Above The Line.

Any effort that falls short of making it happen and getting it done simply indicates a lack of full acceptance of accountability. An attitude of accountability lies at the core of any effort to improve quality, satisfy customers, empower people, build teams, create new products, maximize effectiveness and get results.

Whether you confront your own self-diminishing attitudes in your small startup enterprise or in the management ranks of a Fortune 500 firm, you cannot expect to create a better future unless you begin to take the time and find the courage to get Above The Line. With effective Above The Line leadership skills that you learn in the Self Track Training (The Taking Personal Accountability Track Training) you can begin moving your entire organization to higher levels of accountability.

Jim Simpson, Texas Area Sales Manager, Johnson Controls, Inc.' I would recommend Partner In Leadership to any organization looking to create more accountable employees, increase alignment between day to day operations, and positively impact its bottom line.

The See It, Own It, Solve It, Do It model is a very powerful process, improvement tool, and it's used throughout the organization has created a vital bridge between operations and strategic objectives. When it became apparent to employees that Arapahoe/Douglas Works! I would stick with these principles of accountability and hold everyone accountable at all levels of the organization; our staff began noticing positive results. This has led to more creativity, better communication and better alignment between all parts of the organization.' Moreland, Chief Administrative Officer, St.


Joseph Heritage Healthcare'I was so impressed with the training, I had all of the Managers and Supervisors for the Texas Area attend a training session. At this meeting, we set goals to achieve by year end and we met our goals. As a result, our Area was repeatedly recognized at a Johnson Controls awards banquet because of our accomplishments. I truly feel that the Accountability Training that our Management Team participated in helping us achieve our goals for the year.'

Susanne Kubofcik, Manager of Learning and Development, ITOCHU International'It is the content of 'The Oz Principle' that is the most valuable: the connectivity of experiences to beliefs, leading to actions that drive results, as well as the often necessary and straightforward tools that keep organizations moving forward, that struck the deepest chord within our leaders. I have no hesitation recommending this program to any organization seeking a fresh, tangible approach that translates into material impact for those entrusted with leading.'