General Protection Fault Borderlands

Thanks allot face.The only thing i now see what could be causing it is:a) In the servercrashfix there was a file called core.soThis should be installed when having problem with Linux.I tried it but then the server would not even start anymoreb) I see that i have a unsupported version of superwebadmin97c.The last 1 tested was version 97b.I try again tonight installing the and superbwebadmin97b.Would be nice if you would keep me informed FACE, about your progress.Maybe going back to version 4.36? Code:./ucc server DM-Contraband?game=BotPack.DeathMatchPlus?mutator=AMLPHaSmv1b.AMLPHaSm,ZSZLongShot.LongShot,ZSZPackages.ZSZTempKickBan,CamperDMEnhanced.CamperDMEnhanced,Pheonix.PheonixMut,StuffSwapper.StuffSwapper,NoTelefrag.NoTelefrag,ASCFooFoo.BunnyFooFoo,WhoPushedMe.WhoPushedMe,SpectatorPlus.SPMut,HideNPeek.HideNPeek,QAnnouncerNoLog.QAnnouncerNoLog,ASCXlocV2.ASCXlocMutator,MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote -multihome= -ini=UnrealTournament.ini -log=server.log -nohomedirMaybe it should be with ' like this? Code:./ucc 'server DM-Contraband?game=BotPack.DeathMatchPlus?mutator=AMLPHaSmv1b.AMLPHaSm,ZSZLongShot.LongShot,ZSZPackages.ZSZTempKickBan,CamperDMEnhanced.CamperDMEnhanced,Pheonix.PheonixMut,StuffSwapper.StuffSwapper,NoTelefrag.NoTelefrag,ASCFooFoo.BunnyFooFoo,WhoPushedMe.WhoPushedMe,SpectatorPlus.SPMut,HideNPeek.HideNPeek,QAnnouncerNoLog.QAnnouncerNoLog,ASCXlocV2.ASCXlocMutator,MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote -multihome= -ini=UnrealTournament.ini -log=server.log -nohomedir'I cannot test it right now. (I am at work) But i try tonight.Maybe this solve the Segmentation fault messages.Related to the crashes?

The text of my error: General Protection Fault! History: GetPluginCount Address = blahblah not found in steamdir borderlands.exe GetPluginCount Address = blahblah2 not found in steamdir borderlands.exe GetClassLongW Address = blahblah (filename not found) in Windows User32.dll. Played borderlands last night for a fair few hours, no issues. Before going to bed, I tried prime 95, and it crashed (blue screen).

First go to your library on steam and right click on 'Borderlands'.Step 2. Then click on 'properties'.Step 3. Then click on the 'Local Files' tab.Step 4. Then click on 'Browse Local Files'.Step 5. Click on and open the 'Binaries' folder.Step 6. Find the 'cudart.dll' file and MAKE A COPY OF IT.Step 7.

Rename the COPY OF IT to 'physxcudart20' and hit the 'Enter' key found on your keyboard.Step 8. Realize that you're stupid if you couldn't find things because you were looking for quotation marks in the file name ' ' or if you tried to rename the copy file with quotation marks.Step 9. Play the game.P.S. This worked for me and here's a link to the video.The video is no longer up sorrySomebody seriously tell a mod to friggin lock this and not delete it so people can find it. This was a pain in the butt to figure out.

Originally posted by Chandler Bing:Step 1. First go to your library on steam and right click on 'Borderlands'.Step 2.

Then click on 'properties'.Step 3. Then click on the 'Local Files' tab.Step 4. Then click on 'Browse Local Files'.Step 5. Click on and open the 'Binaries' folder.Step 6. Find the 'cudart.dll' file and MAKE A COPY OF IT.Step 7. Rename the COPY OF IT to 'physxcudart20' and hit the 'Enter' key found on your keyboard.Step 8. Realize that you're stupid if you couldn't find things because you were looking for quotation marks in the file name ' ' or if you tried to rename the copy file with quotation marks.Step 9.

Play the game.P.S. This worked for me and here's a link to the video.Somebody seriously tell a mod to friggin lock this and not delete it so people can find it. This was a pain in the butt to figure out.might be new to this or too old, you tell me?you say general protection fault. I get an 'assertion failed' message, something to do with the KERNELBASE.dllthe first line saysAssertion failed: i=0 && (i.

Originally posted by:might be new to this or too old, you tell me?you say general protection fault. I get an 'assertion failed' message, something to do with the KERNELBASE.dllthe first line saysAssertion failed: i=0 && (i. Originally posted by:Listen dumb♥♥♥♥♥♥ Its a question. My computer sauve is not as high as i wish it would be. But obviously you are all that because you talk big behind a computer screen.A simple question that you could have simply said, Sorry man, unfortunately these two things are different and I have no idea how to solve your problem.But no. Your life is so pathetic that you have to attack someone and feel superior because in your life you are the inferior human. Don't lash out on me because your life sucks.

Get an education, improve your life and pick a happy life so you don't have to go off on random people.It was just a question that needed a simple answer at which you simply failed. Just like in Life.No you listen to me you stupid worthless piece of human garbage. My computer sauve is not high either. I just have common sense unlike your inbred hillbilly♥♥♥♥♥ Now go to ♥♥♥♥ing google and fix the problem yourself. HOW DO YOU THINK I FOUND HOW TO FIX THE GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT ISSUE. I GOOGLED IT ♥♥♥♥♥.And i googled mine with no luck as I have tried all suggestions, even calling 2K and going back and forth with them, to no avail. But it looks like your racist self will always be sad and pathetic just like your posts.

Originally posted by:And i googled mine with no luck as I have tried all suggestions, even calling 2K and going back and forth with them, to no avail. But it looks like your racist self will always be sad and pathetic just like your postsand it looks like your stupid self will never be able to function in life seeing how you can't even fix 1 little issue. 2k wouldn't even help you because they know you're too stupid to do it even if they walked you through it step by step. Now please uninstall from life and please do us all a favor and uninstall steam and go back to the console circle jerk.Far from one little issue but considering your type of posts I understand why someone with very little to live for would think so.Its nice to see that as this goes on you no longer have a word repertorie to pull from, what no 'inbred', 'worthless piece of human garbage', or dropping the N bomb, that i found pretty offensive. It would seem your 5th grade education if failing you. You seriously bore me.

Originally posted by:Far from one little issue but considering your type of posts I understand why someone with very little to live for would think so.Its nice to see that as this goes on you no longer have a word repertorie to pull from, what no 'inbred', 'worthless piece of human garbage', or dropping the N bomb, that i found pretty offensive. It would seem your 5th grade education if failing you. You seriously bore me.I just wanted to let you know that after my last message I swore I would never ready anymore of your replies because you're a noob at life.


I really didn't even read the message I'm 'quoting'. I have been typing this and ignoring all other text on screen. Enjoy wasting your life and time typing replies to a person who doesn't care.P.S. Please uninstall from lifeP.S.S. Please uninstall steam and gtfo the pc too plzP.S.S.S. Please don't ever reproduceFunny. You know you read it and thought about it, and glared at it only to repeat what you already said.yawn, bored, bored, snooze fest.

Borderlands Steam Won't Play

I just wanted to show you what a hole with a big ol' behind you are and what would have been better.We are all gamers here and last I looked this was a discussion board. I posted a question for discussion and all you could do was bash, pathetic.You say I need to unplug?

Well, if my question so upsets you to the point you have to attack me personally instead of saying, 'Sorry man, my problem is different from yours and probably wouldn't help, but good luck in trying to find an answer.' Then it seems that you, sir, needs to be the one to unplug because gaming has become to serious for your life and those around you. I just know that one day I will read how you went postal on someone and know that you were no where capable of handling the intricacies of gaming.good day sir.

Originally posted by:Now finally. I just wanted to show you what a hole with a big ol' behind you are and what would have been better.We are all gamers here and last I looked this was a discussion board. I posted a question for discussion and all you could do was bash, pathetic.You say I need to unplug? Well, if my question so upsets you to the point you have to attack me personally instead of saying, 'Sorry man, my problem is different from yours and probably wouldn't help, but good luck in trying to find an answer.' Then it seems that you, sir, needs to be the one to unplug because gaming has become to serious for your life and those around you. I just know that one day I will read how you went postal on someone and know that you were no where capable of handling the intricacies of gaming.good day sir.Didn't read a word LOL. How does it feel knowing you can never get back the time you took to type up and or think this.

You don't have to read it in order for it to influence other peoples opinions of you.