Hair Physics Fallout 4

  1. Fallout 4 Wiki

Already have that and given it to cell. Boldly ported Breast and Butt Physics with XPMSE/Cherry values and adapted naming schema to Fallout 4 skeleton. Work of like 5-10 minutes, took more time to find what is portable and what needs to be redone properly from the ground. The difference being that the hair is really large shapes that look like hair that move around, not individual strands or even clumps of hair. Think of like a bunch of pieces of paper attached to your head that look like hair, and that's the equivalent of their 'hair physics.'

Currently about 80 hours into the game, level 20 using no XP for kills (seriously Beth, rewarding players for killing?) and lower XP globally. Also using worldwide NPC Player scaling mod so all enemies are around the players level at all times like in previous games, bosses and other harder enemies have a slightly higher multiplier than other easier enemies that have slightly lower multiplier than player level.

Adjusts perkiness so that one can craft better gear.To get this relatively stable has cost me roughly SEVEN DAYS of my life merging mods and solving conflicts in FO4Edit. Expect to spend at least half that for a semi-stable game using the following mods. Merging/fixing conflicting mods is mandatory for a stable game!One should make judicous use of 's conflict notification system (the left window pane) to aid in conflict resolution.

You WILL end up having to move mods around in both window panes for optimal optimization and game stability!LOOT has NOT been used, I've just had no luck with it and FO4, it seems to mess the load order up completely for me. My load order is hand made by me in loose categories that match Nexus mods categories. Code: PROXYEnableProxyLibrary=falseInitProxyFunctions=trueProxyLibrary=GLOBALApplyStabilityPatch=trueUsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=trueMEMORYForceVideoMemorySize=trueVideoMemorySizeMb=12288ENGINEForceVSync=trueVSyncSkipNumFrames=0LIMITEREnableFPSLimit=trueFPSLimit=61.0INPUTKeyCombination=16KeyUseEffect=123KeyFPSLimit=36KeyShowFPS=106KeyScreenshot=44KeyEditor=13KeyDof=118FIXDisableFakeLights=trueI also use Fallout 4 Script Extender, ENBoost memory management (not enb graphics part), highly modified.ini files and always try to use the latest versions of everything. Keep mods 'Tracked' at the Nexus and you will be notified when they are updated.If you want the web address for a certain mod, just ask in the threadOnce I finish my current playthrough, I will re-organize my mod list and update it here.

You should never move or remove certain mods from your load order whilst playing an active game as the FormIDs will change! You can add mods on to the end of your load order and merge any conflicts along the way (you might notice I've done this on my current list), this is fine and causes no problems.New fork of MO2.

Hair Physics Fallout 4

Click to expand.oh wow, he's been at work recently too, albeit for skyrim (which sadly, i will never pay money for). Seriously tho, idk if that was him, but he knows how to record and whoever it was recorded very well. Even if afterschool special was very milk run quest-wise and the dialogue a bit talking head'y he really knows how to make non-native characters seem in place. I tried adding a lot to goodsprings (and primm) just so they weren't so barren, and in goodsprings his work is all i kept that was non-canon-which says something given how much shit you try out that plunks stuff directly there. I bet he could make characters seem in place in boston, regardless of accent. The lore still doesnt explain cait to me even remotely in a way i find plausible.

Fallout 4 Wiki

Click to expand.Not much of anything Beth did in FO4 makes any logical sense to me whatsoever. I do enjoy the colorful shiny dog turd of a game though, with all the mods running it's pretty good, it doesn't fix the shit low-IQ quests and characters though but there are some hidden gems and areas that are really well made which do stand out from the regular crap.Unfortunately I think all the companions are really terrible because of their dodgy trying-to-act-human badly programmed AI that is more annoying than it is useful. The romacing is fucking cringeworthy too - I can't believe that shite made it into the final game, whist the Combat Zone and Easy City Downs were cut completely - fucking corporate agenda deadline money fucking greedy bullshit has ruined nearly every modern AAA video game THING!