Where To Sell Items In Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies. Skyrim How to sell stolen items Thieves Guild Fence. The quickest way to sell stolen items in Skyrim is through the Thieves Guild fence. Speech Skill Tree Perk Fence. The Speech perk 'Fence' also will allow you to sell stolen items in Skyrim. Crafting stolen items. This method is one the most.

I almost pity you guys. After the first few hours I've never run out of gold. I can afford to literally buy an entire town out of ingredients, ingots, health potions, lock picks, and any other consumable I can use to train a skill or is just generally useful every time I visit.Although this comes at great cost. I am a compulsive loot-whore and spend about 70% of my playtime walking towards the nearest merchant while severely over encumbered.But I have level 100 alchemy, smithing, speech, and enchanting. So I have a full set of legendary double enchanted dragonplate and deadric warhammer. But my Weapon and armour skills are only around 40, so I still have a lot of trouble with the tougher level-scaled enemies.

OMG ITS ANOTHER SKYRIM THREAD. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE ZOMG!!!Just relax, and if this thread annoys you, no one is forcing you to stay:DNow to my point:All the vendors are assholes in this game.' Hey, this gem I found has a value of 110g, what will you give me for it?' Can't I persuade you to give me a better deal?' 'nope'.45 minutes of killing and re-loading saves later.' here is your 45g, I HAVE THE BEST PRICES IN TOWN'/wristsSo far, I have been selling my stuff in Dawnstar. Potions to the crazy potion lady, weapons and apparel to the blacksmith couple, and everything else to a Khajit outside of town that has a 500g daily cap (which is really irritating by the way.)I have other concerns and questions about Skyrim, but this one is the one that bothers me the most.

I am trying to figure out everything about this game for myself (I refuse to look online for help in a brand new single player game), but this just irks me to no end.Even when I buy mats from these assholes, make shit, and sell it back to them, I am hardly making money.Edit: I always called them A-tron-ach, but they are apparently Atro-nack.Like a lot of games you need to build up the right skills to buy and sell items at anything close to their full value. In the case of Skyrim it's the 'speech' skill and it's connected talents.The value of the item listed to you is it's max value, you'll never get more than that from a merchant, not the value your currently going to get for it.It's also noteworthy that simply building yp your buy/sell isn't enough, as vendors have a limited amount of gold with which to buy stuff from you. To get around this you need to get the speech skills that allow you to invest in shops to raise the maximum gold of the vendors so they will have more gold on later visits with which to buy your stuff. Alright guys, heres a tried and trusted method since all of you seem to have problems with making money. This is a good one, besides of course looting dungeons.Acquire a few enchanted items. They should fall into your hands.

Got some you dont need? Alright.Break into a smithy of your choice at night. The one in Solitude is good for this. Make sure to save beforehand in case you get caught. Then, loot the smithy for all the iron/silver/whatever bars he has lying around.Proceed to smith whatever you can or feel like smithing, like iron daggers or something.Next, acquire soul gems.

There are a metric fuckton of them scattered around the world. You can steal a bunch from the College of Winterhold, which is also where you can buy a soul trap spell.Then, in Winterhold, theres an enchantment table. Remember those magical items you had?

Sacrifice them at the table to learn their effects. Enchant the iron daggers you made.

Sell them for LOADS of money.Sounds more complicated and time consuming than it actually is. Do this once a week, it goes pretty quickly.

You can, of course, enchant anything else you have lying around.I have 7000 gold, plus a few items I bought which cost me 10000 all in all, plus a house I bought for 5000 with full equipment which cost another 2000 or so. Half of that gold I made from the above method.I've been enchanting everything I craft since petty soul gems are lol anyways. It adds quite a bit of gold and lvls my enchanting (which I really don't give a damn about)I also just discovered something I find absolutely hilarious.You know all those weapons that are everywhere?

The ones you usually steal in Oblivion for some fence money? Well I have found a way to make them un-stolen.1. Steal the weapon(s)2.

Bring the weapon(s) to one of the many dungeons that has bandits3. Kill all the bandits4.

Loot all the weapons off of the bandits5. Lay the stolen weapons near the bandits6. Rez the bandits7. They will punch you for a little bit, then pick up a weapon8. Kill the bandit, and loot the weapon.Voila.

The weapon is now magically un-stolen.Holy shit. That is fucking awesome.

Gonna try it later.Thanks for the heads up. I really dont want to do the thieves guild on my current destruction based character and now I dont need to. Originally I was selling only to the first Guild fence, but once I invested in Balimund the Riften BS he has around 2.5k on hand. Including the leather armor vendor (1.7k) and the lizard jeweler (750) I find waiting there for 48 hours to be more lucrative than simply waiting down in the underground.

I bought the Solitude house and all expansions yesterday and am still sitting at a comfortable 70k.100 speech + 100 stealth + 100 pickpocket. I stole everything, everywhere.

(keep in mind I also skipped the story quests to go explore, the first quest I ever completed was for the Thieves Guild). I could invest in the other shopkeepers nearby, but I tend to come in over-encumbered and want to avoid loading screens; Balimund is outside and accessible. I have 50k and I managed to get about 20k from smithing having starting off with about 1,000.I bought all the things I needed to smith from both vendours in Whiterun.

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Then I smith the items and sell it back. Because you started off by buying the items from them they'll each have more money which means you can just about sell the items and take whatever money they have to start off with. About 1k each, every 2 days they restock so go back every 2 days (or just wait). Repeat for a little bit, levels your smithing really quickly and you make a tidy bit of money.When your smithing is high enough go to Gloombound mine, it's full of ebony veins, construct ebony armour, when you upgrade that to epic it is worth about 1,500 each i think.Remember to always leave a bit of your ingots/leather left over so you can upgrade the things you have just made. Obviously keep a set of the best armour for yourself.You could enchant it but I view this as a lot of work for having to wait around to sell the items.i wouldn't recommend just waiting around though as you fall into the realms of power levelling then which means your armour may be great but your combat skills will be useless compared to the level of enemies so go out and do quests whilst you're waiting for the restock.The other 10k I have got from generally finding items. Gems are the best to find as they weight very little and when combined with gold ingots you can level your smithing at the same time.The other 20k, well that came from the dark brotherhood, the last quest for them pays very well.That 20k from smithing is only only what I have left though and I've probably made more but have bought 3 houses completely outfitted and payed off 12k in fines.In total I've earned 128,000 over the course of the game and I'm only level 31.

Where to sell items in skyrim whiterun

I have 50k and I managed to get about 20k from smithing having starting off with about 1,000.I bought all the things I needed to smith from both vendours in Whiterun. Then I smith the items and sell it back. Because you started off by buying the items from them they'll each have more money which means you can just about sell the items and take whatever money they have to start off with.

About 1k each, every 2 days they restock so go back every 2 days (or just wait). Repeat for a little bit, levels your smithing really quickly and you make a tidy bit of money.When your smithing is high enough go to Gloombound mine, it's full of ebony veins, construct ebony armour, when you upgrade that to epic it is worth about 1,500 each i think.Remember to always leave a bit of your ingots/leather left over so you can upgrade the things you have just made. Obviously keep a set of the best armour for yourself.You could enchant it but I view this as a lot of work for having to wait around to sell the items.i wouldn't recommend just waiting around though as you fall into the realms of power levelling then which means your armour may be great but your combat skills will be useless compared to the level of enemies so go out and do quests whilst you're waiting for the restock.The other 10k I have got from generally finding items. Gems are the best to find as they weight very little and when combined with gold ingots you can level your smithing at the same time.The other 20k, well that came from the dark brotherhood, the last quest for them pays very well.That 20k from smithing is only only what I have left though and I've probably made more but have bought 3 houses completely outfitted and payed off 12k in fines.In total I've earned 128,000 over the course of the game and I'm only level 31.This is really useful. I like smithing and was wondering if you could actually make money doing it. I've got 80k gold and it's fucking annoying me, I'm just running into too much crap to loot so the whole process is getting tedious.

Anyways, I've got it down to a fine art now I reckon.I've got a soul trap enchantment on one of my daggers, which is set to 1 second to get the highest number of charges. Anytime I'm in a dungeon, I'll sneak the entire thing and one-shot monsters with my daggers, trapping their souls providing they're not people. I also only loot items with a 1:10 weight:gold ratio.After I'm done it's off to Dragon's Reach in Whiterun to enchant everything I can with either Carry Weight, Banish or Destruction as they sell for the most. I buy all of Farengar's empty soul gems (he's the court-wizard) before trying to sell anything to him. That just makes it so he can buy my more expensive stuff.I then hit the town and sell my potion's in Arcadia's Cauldron, weapons and armour to the blacksmith and leftovers to the general store. Dragon bones and scales get stored in my house then I'm off to Riverwood then Solitude to sell off excess crap.It takes about 20 minutes for me to sell out my inventory, it's a massive time-wasting pain, but I figure I should get the 100k achievement to enlarge my epeen, then I'll stop with the enchanting. Want to make fast money?

Join the thieves guild. Sure you steal from the poor as often as you do the wealthy but what good is honor when you're swimming in gold? On my current playthrough the fences have about 2,250 gold each.An amulet of Zenithar gives you 10% better prices. Honestly you only need the first perk in the Haggle tree with this amulet, since they only boost prices by 5%.Enchanting is also a great get rich quick method, especially when training smithing and you have the Banish enchantment.I have around 150k gold with a metric ton of loot in a chest in solitude I'm still waiting to sell.

I sell to pretty much everyone I can, which is easy since I took that Speech perk that allows me to sell anything to anyone. I spend most of my time in Whiterun, though, and I do a lot of smithing, so the locals blacksmiths there tend to get the bulk of my business. Also, it helps to be wearing the Masque of Clavicus Vile and some barter price-improving jewelry (like the aforementioned Amulet of Zenithar, although I personally have something even better) in order to get more money out of each transaction. My character currently has over 100,000 gold, all of it either found, from selling loot and crafted items, or made doing honest work; no stealing.

I'm really quite proud of it. Once I've got all the Enchanting perks I want, I'll probably start investing more in Speech perks in order to get even more money, because I'm a filthy hoarder like that, and I don't like the thought of ever having less than 100k again.:P. Where ever is closest. I loot everything. Fuck the 300 weight limit, I just gather everything in a dungeon go outside transform into a werewolf and run to the nearest city and change back as close as I can get without being detected.

Also the more you sell the better your speechcraft gets so even if that 1000 pounds of shit is well, shit it will raise your stats so your items that are worth something are worth more.My question is what do you do with the money after you earned it? The only thing I bought was houses and some skill training. I get all my equipment from looting. Or, instead of bland, more grounded in reality. I mean, why would a shopkeeper in a small 20 house town have thousands upon thousands of gold? That's just silly.Sure, because after my Wood Elf escaped a dungeon crawl without bruises but 50 sets of looted armor, instant travels to the next town, puts on 'his medallion of better prices' and approaches the merchant he had to shake down early, but who doesn't seem to remember, it's the unrealistic amount of money that merchant has, that's breaking the realism.Also, you can get a perk that lets you sell anything anywhere, so that becomes a non-problem after a while.It's not a.problem. now, what with the instant travel and all, it's just annoying.

And I don't want to spend precious perk points on fixing something annoying.And I've found some really great items in shops. Maybe you're just not looking in the right shops on the right days?Perhaps. What have you found?

How To Sell In Skyrim

I even had to steal some great Elven Boots of Sneaking. The merchant I stole them from did not sell them. He was a Dunmer after all.lol, maybe you shouldn't be carrying back 50 sets of armor and you wouldn't be overburdened.And sure, I'll cop to annoying before spending the perk point, but hey, that's why they're perks.Also, I got an axe of soul stealing (which I really needed to power up my staffs) from the merchant in Whiterun (I think) and a medallion that adds 40 Health from the trading post in Riverwood.Granted, super uber tiems don't show up very often in shops, but again, that helps with my immersion. I mean, how has this guy got an axe worth 3k, when he doesn't even carry more than 2k of gold on him? He seeing other adventurers behind my back?

Where To Sell Items In Skyrim

Where To Sell Items In Skyrim Whiterun

I'll murderate him. I murderate his whole family.he was saying how carrying 50 pieces on his back is unrealistic.

Not all merchants are poor little people. Some people can afford to have epic axe of uber awesomeness smithed then sell it for 8000 gold. It also doesn't make sense that bandits have better shit that rich shopkeepers. Three words: evil pays better.If you suffer through the huge pain in the balls that is the final segment of the Thieves' Guild questline, you'll unlock several new fences and up the quartermaster's daily gold to 4k.The smithing/enchantment tip above is also sound advice and if combined with the upgraded Thieves' Guild economy, it could yield game-breaking piles of cash in no time at all.The conclusion of the DB questline also yields a pretty penny, and you could theoretically do it before even visiting Whiterun for the first time.

Not sure if that'd be wise, but anyway.