Crazy Bd Hacker Videos Download

Say goodbye to the rest of your day. Here are the top 10 best videos about real hacking. We’ve already covered the that hollywood has to offer,. Then, we did the. Now we’re enjoying the real thing. Feast your eyes on hacking as it actually happens. In this list are all kinds of hacking, from slapping things together out of scrap to lock picking.

From creating computers in your garage to social engineering.Most of these are even available, in full, on youtube!Here’s the list:10. KGB, The Computer, and me.The true story of someone noticing a hacker and tracking him down.9. BBS: The DocumentaryThe history of the BBS system from its inception to its demise.8. Unauthorized AccessLock picking, dumpster diving, social engineering.7.


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The Secret Life of MachinesNot only do they explain how it works, sometimes they do a hack to prove their point.6. Mythbustersevery episode has the premise “what can we hack together to do this?”5. Scrap-heap Challenge/ Junkyard WarsGiven a pile of junk, they have to create something specific, like a hovercraft, or racing bikes.4. Triumph of The NerdsThe true story of how hackers came to rule the world with their technology3. Secret History of HackingDetailed accounts of some of the most recognizable names in hacking.2. HacksA look at how diverse hacker culture can be1.

Hackers are People TooMainly interviews from people at cons. A great way to see what is going on now in the culture.Honestly, I don’t think the order really matters. Personally, I’d put Mythbusters and Scrap-heap Challenge closer to number one, my enthusiasm for those shows borders on unhealthy. Someone who is more into security would put Unauthorized access at the top of the list. You get the point.What we can all agree on, is that these are all great.Posted in, Tagged, Post navigation.

The Secret Life of Machines episodes are available to download, but “The Car” has a long section of bad video. Doesn’t matter where you download it, it’s a bad copy.:-( Why it’s bad is because the online ones were made from the DVD set which was made from tape transfers from the original 16mm film prints and whomever did the DVD transfer didn’t check their work. Something went worng with the digitization of “The Car”.There’s only two ways to fix it. Find a good home recorded tape of the episode and digitize it or buy the original film prints and have new digital transfers made direct from them for higher quality than the DVDs that were made.Crowdfunding could buy the films and pay to have them digitized and DVDs authored and replicated. Okay, so here I am, with a brand spankin new (to me) set of Medecos and lock picking is mentioned.

Bonus content! But the video mentioning picking is from ’93, as old as the MIT guide, long-looong before the venerable UL 437 Medeco line was considered pickable at all. Then the big ol’ boisterous Ollam is seen in the clip for the last video. Bonus topic relevant to me indeed.I have already learned two things. This is a really good list. Setting a sidebar with a headset on is really freaking hard.

Thanx, i guess I somehow missed that one I only remeber the worst and still chuckle about the 2 person 1 keyboard hacking.There was just a new one that I encountered: ironman 3: Stark runs a speed test in a media van and hits adsl 1 speeds (somewhere near 8 mbit down/ 1 mbit up) and sais: “this is not going to cut it, go up and recalibrate the ISDN to get 20% more bandwith”the other guy gets on the roof on the van, filled with satelite dishes, plugs two cables and much wrong:-DSL speeds through ISDN– ISDN through satelite– gaining 20% extra by connecting a plug. ) Unfortunately, that sounds exactly the sort of thing that BT Broadband technical support would suggest doing! Along with such gems as “reprofiling the braz” and “resetting the SNR”.Several months ago (I’ve been fighting BT for nearly 5 months now, because they cocked up our broadband, cancelled it, we moved to another supplier, but BT seem unable to realise this, so every week we receive a NEW account and a NEW bill from BT) I phoned up to complain about the broadband speeds on the line. The (obviously foreign) guy at the other end proceeded to exclaim in dismay that the SNR was too high.Whereupon I spent the next ten minutes explaining that, if by SNR he means signal-to-noise ratio, then a HIGH SNR is obviously a GOOD thing. At which point he went and reset it, whatever the hell that is. Needless to say, it had no effect, like most of what BT does! I remember getting a bit annoyed at exactly this!

Crazy Bd Hacker Videos Download Youtube

I remember there was one episode where they had to build a steam-powered car, and I was looking forward to them converting an air compressor or changing the valve timing on an internal combustion engine, something like that. But what should they “find” sitting in the “scrapheap” – a beautiful compound marine steam engine! And I think the other team also “found” a steam engine of similar quality.Let’s face it – to do some of the projects, you simply needed “plants”, since you were never going to find something like that in a scrapyard. Once you realise that a lot of it is staged (well, obviously it is – they always finish just ten seconds before the horn goes!) it takes a bit of the fun out, but they still achieved some great builds. I think my favourite was the trebuchet vs. Catapult episode.