Mass Effect 1 Quarian Armor

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)MEA SPOILER(#s 'Sara and Scott are twins.' So I've been using Tali since the beginning of the game, when I rushed to get her then just did side quests for a long time. I am now level 38, just landed on Feros and I only just got my first random drop of Quarian armour. This isn't my first playthrough of ME1, and every other time I've gotten at least one piece for my beloved Quarian before leaving the Citadel. Seriously, she's been running around in her Hydra I while the rest of the squad is using Specter gear because the random drop system has been so very unkind to her.Side note, almost half the armour I pick up is Krogan and I'm not even using Rex on this playthrough. It's like RD-Jesus has it in for me.

Oct 17, 2018 - Discussion in 'Mass Effect' started by dartagnaN64, Mar 30, 2008. Thread Status: Not open for. Date Posted: Mar 30, 2008 #1. Tali has an 'environmental' suit so her armor must be for Quarians. Winterfox, Mar 31, 2008. Armor sets for your squadmates are pre-determined in stats and appearance. However, unlike Mass Effect 2, squad armor sets in Mass Effect 3 have effects on gameplay in the form of a bonus to the squadmate (e.g. +25% power damage) that varies depending on the set. The cheating answer: GiveAllArmorQuarian ManfKassaArmorColossus Quarian armor is far from common. I count myself lucky to have any armor at all for her that has 300+ shields. I count myself lucky to have any armor at all for her that has 300+ shields.

As luck would have it, Tali's probably the companion least susceptible to RNG buggery when armor comes into question.She gets Basic Armor, which is very nice considering it gives her Shield Boost. Combine that with the Electronics skill which provides a flat increase to shield strength, and a good Omni-tool which provides tech skill cooldown reduction (and extra shields), and she's pretty much set no matter what armor she's wearing due to raw shield strength and the ability to spam Shield Boost.

It's about to the point with Bring Down the Sky, you're better off getting Tali the free Savant omni-tool (50% CD reduction) opposed to Colossus armor.Upgrade-wise, Tali's not one on which you want to skimp. At low levels it's best to give her Shield Batteries, then once they become available, as they should be to you, Energized Weaves (shield recovery speed) and/or Kinetic Buffers (skill cooldown reduction). At high levels, for Tali it's Medical Exoskeleton or nothing. If you don't have those, and you should (see below), you can get by with Kinetic Exoskeletons.Honestly, if you build her right she's the tankiest companion NPC in the game, behind Wrex, and the third tankiest CHARACTER in the game behind Wrex and a vanguard/shock trooper Shepard. She only suffers from crap physics resistance, which to be frank only becomes an issue of real in Insanity.and at that difficulty setting, physics are so jacked up everyone is screwed against it, except for Wrex and a well-built soldier/shock trooper Shepard.Extra hint: only buy the Armax Arsenal, Spectre Requisitions, and Serrice Council licenses for the Normandy QM.

The more licenses you buy him, the larger his 'drop pool' when it comes time for him to change his inventory, and the less chance of him having something REALLY good to offer. Also, Delan's your go-to merchant for the high-end armors; he sells Armax, Hanhe-Kedar (for Predator armor), and Serrice Council stuff and has a fairly limited 'drop pool', which means he'll sell at least one BiS armor per return trip to the Citadel.Also, Chloe Michel is love; Chloe Michel is life. Since all she sees are medical mods, she will sell at least one or two Medical Exoskeletons per trip at high levels, which are bar none the best armor mods in the game. Yeah, kitted out right you don't have to worry about getting her a high end armor, it's just that little bit extra.

At higher levels with the right load out, she can face tank primes and armatures indefinitely, and even eat shots from rocket troopers and juggernauts without losing shields.There are enemies against which she's vulnerable, though: pretty much anything that can bypass shields, due to her low health and inability to upgrade that. Krogan, thorian creepers, rachni, and husks are the main offenders. I want to say the husk energy pulse attack counts as tech and therefore hardening reduces its damage, but either I'm wrong or it's so insanely bursty at high difficulty settings hardening just doesn't matter. But to be honest, everyone except for a shock trooper Shepard and Wrex eats crap from those guys at higher difficulty levels. It's always been my experience weapon talents as your bonus are highly overrated in ME1.


Pistols are all around the best weapon in the game, and every class has access to the Pistol talent and Marksman. Not to mention, you rarely have the spare talent points for two weapon skills as a non-soldier Shepard.But, put to the choice, I've always opted for shotguns. Singularity or Lift, and Carnage, is a godlike combination.

Though admittedly it works better as a vanguard with Singularity as a bonus talent, opposed to adept with Shotguns as a bonus talent.My favorite bonus talent for adepts has always been Electronics. The bonus shields are nice early on, and it synergizes well early game with shield boost and stimulant packs.

Late-game, Overload is anemic without tech power synergies, but it's still a power shield-stripper and works very well in combination with Lift/Singularity (depending on talent setup and specialization) and Warp.

I proudly present you the complete Quarian armor sets.These are all the possible Quarian armors that can be found in Mass Effect. The last armor, the Red-Black one, is a bit different in perspective as I took the shot differently from the last 5 and had to resize it a lil.Stay tune for more great Mass Effect work!! Enjoy!Select for higher quality!All comments are welcome! If you need anything, just ask!!DA+Image specs:Original size (each): 7680 x 6024 - 132 MbFinal resized image: 1933 x 908 - 1.04 MbGame credits: ™ PC. I'm playing through mass-effect 1, and i've got up to level '60' MAXED OUT!I've got collossus armour for everyone except garrus, and wrex,can't find them anywere, i found them before on other playthroughs but so far nothing!I'll keep trying.What i want to know is if you've got everyone maxed out, all in collossus armor,and all have the same weapons. If you transport your ME1 save to ME2,do the characters you meet again have the collossus armor on? Like when you meetTali, when she's with the other quarions.

Mass Effect 1 Quarian Armor Minecraft

I bloody hope so otherwise its a waste of timecollecting all the cool stuff in ME1! Anyone got any thoughts?