Office Addin For Mail Merge Filter Tables

  1. Office Addin For Mail Merge Filter Tables Without

It depends on what you are trying to achieve.Word can only have one data source for a mailmerge, and that source must be a rectangular table. Typically, the way to create a rectangular table from more than one table in Access is to create a Query that joins the two tables and returns the rows thatyou need. Then use that query as the data source.

In some cases you might be able to issue the query using the OpenDataSource method in Word's object model rather than creating the query in Access.However, if what you want is a 1-many merge, I suggest you look at the material by Graham Mayor, Doug Robbins, and macropod at, or referenced from)Jamieson.

Use the mail merge sort and filter tools to scope your mail merge when you want to include only some of the people from your mail merge mailing list. Sort and filter data for a mail merge. Word for Office 365 Word for Office 365 for Mac Word 2019 Word 2019 for Mac Word 2016 Word 2013 Word 2010 Word 2007 Word 2016 for Mac More.


I want to create a mail merge of customer invoices that will save the file to separate documents. I understand that this is possible in LibreOffice Writer but that it creates its own file names based on text I provide followed by a numerical sequence number. What I would like to do is have the file names based on a combination of two fields - the invoice number and the customer name. If that isn't possible, then just the invoice number. Has anyone written an addon to do this?Thank you.In response to wwhalley's answer below:Thank you wwhalley for your answer. It sounds great, but I am struggling to get far enough down the mail merge process to find out if it works.

Following your answer I downloaded the latest version of Writer (3.6) and I started by the merge document and then using the Tools Mail Merge Wizard (the only option I could find to do a mail merge), inserted the fields I need in the appropriate places. I then attempted to filter my database but when I click on the Filter box it turns a blue colour but nothing happens. No dialogue box opens.I then looked at the user guide and see that there's a manual way to do a mail merge and that I should reach the data source by clicking View Data sources but unfortunately 'Data sources' does not appear in the View menu. Hitting the F4 key doesn't do anything either.I tried a repair of the installation (I had only installed Writer and Calc plus all the extras except additional languages) but that made no difference.I am using a PC running Windows Vista and any suggestions as to what I'm missing - some kind of extension perhaps - would be gratefully received. This is possible. In your source table or query you need a field that combines invoice number and customer name.

Office Addin For Mail Merge Filter Tables Without

Likely this combination would be unique.When you are ready to print the mail merge, choose the output as File, then Save as individual documents, Generate file name from database, and choose your combined invoice number/customer name as the field to use as the filename.This will generate individual documents named with the field contents with a '0' appended. I don't know how to suppress the trailing '0', but you could do a bulk rename if it is objectionable.