Skyrim Warrior Armor Mod

While Skyrim is one of the best games, armor designs is just horrible, even best looking armor in game is just so boring i had to do something about it. So here it is, my first gimp work after years;) It have some flaws but i like it so I decided to upload it here, maybe someone will like it;) UPDATE I just made male version as requested. Skyrim: 24+ Best Badass Armor Mods for Males. Hit the jump for Skyrim armors for your rogue or warrior click NEXT below to keep reading! If only you put a.

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You know, it really has been bugging me for a while, so I'll just come out and say it here: Warriors should be able to level up light armor as well as heavy armor.Now, don't get me wrong: I'm not dissing rogues/thieves, and I've played them in the past to great effect. But the fact is that when I'm a warrior, I sort of look down at thieves. They're not in my class. I don't mix with them very well.In fact, most just become testing posts for my blades.The fact that I have to actually hit the thief stone (even in SkyRe) to simply level up light armor effectively is just a bit of an insult to me. It, to put it politely, pisses me off.Most warriors of the medieval genre actually wore the equivalent of light armor.

Even your knight templar and others would have sometimes worn it simply to move faster in combat, when the situation demanded it. Heavy armor is great, and I do love it as a warrior, but if you look around in Skyrim, even a ton of professional soldiers are wearing light armor - and carrying two handed weapons, no less!This just makes no sense. Give warriors the light armor skill as well. It's our job to be proficient in light and heavy armor as well as one and two handed weaponry. We're not skulkin' thieves, damnit!

We're proud and we adapt our armor to our circumstances!GrumbleP.S. I know that I can wear the Aetherial crown, and I do sometimes, but warriors aren't stupid: we like our heads protected. That's why we wear helmets. Lover's Stone: Damage taken and dealt both boosted by 50%.I see you're on an XBox so you may not have Skyrim on a PC to play, but in case you have both:?That's the Skyrim Redone mod. It's amazingly comprehensive and makes it a lot more fun - especially if you use Basic Needs and Frostfall. It adds a ton of different weapons and skills for those weapons, revamps magic, overhauls races, etc. Honestly, it's amazingly more fun.So in case you do have it for PC, or are considering it, I'd definitely try it out with that.

It makes it not only into a hugely expanded game, but a really far more sophisticated one as well. It should be noted that, in the default game, Heavy Armor is just not worth it end-game, outside aesthetics, which is why I use it.

Skyrim Nord Warrior Armor Mod

In the vanilla game, I wouldn't use heavy armor. I was light armor only. But in SkyRe, it was fixed. You don't have enchanting potions for smithing and smithing enchantments on gloves etc.

It makes it a lot harder to 'cap' armor. So I find that in SkyRe, as it kind of should be, heavy armor offers a heck of a lot more protection.I'm sure at this point somebody will join in and say there's a way to do it in SkyRe, but I haven't found out how yet and I'm not all that interested in finding out how. I like it that heavy armor offers more protection (but is significantly slower to move in). It just makes sense to me. That is why people wore heavy armor against such weapons: because it offered a lot more protection.But it's also true that they adapted given the circumstances.

If you were defending a wall, you wore as heavy armor as you could get. But if you were storming something, unless you were mounted, you tried to wear lighter armor so as to move and dodge faster. They weren't the blundering idiots and fools we sometimes portray them to be and the fully armored mounted knight actually was a very rare thing. But it did exist and it actually did have a really good purpose for a time until weapons and tactics changed.BTW, when I play on my archer, I wear light armor, as well as when I'm on my more 'ninja' type of characters with faster dual swords/daggers etc. Light armor has its great uses too, of course. But I actually do a heck of a lot of mounted combat (convenient horses mod is wonderful for that).

Skyrim Warrior Armor Mod

It's a lot of fun whacking away with my bastard sword (another SkyRe addition) from my horse. And when I'm a mounted knight, I should have full armor, damnit. That's what a bloody knight is supposed to look like!:D. I play with Skyrim Redone myself, which is I why I made sure to point out in default Skyrim is where these (and many other) problems arise.Now, I'm not sure if SkyRe does this precisely, but one I always wanted was a mod that would completely re-balance armour so that Light Armor would have a lower cap than Heavy Armour but would be much faster to compensate and Heavy Armour would be the opposite.The issue with this is that armour, for all intents and purposes, is treated the same. There is no separate armour rating for different pieces of armour and coding one in would be very laborious as you end up having to fight the system (since we can't directly modify it).To combat this people simply attempted to edit armour rating values manually, which is far too time-consuming, whereas I wanted to simply add a check to the game that would tell if you were wearing mostly Light or Heavy Armor (this is possible, Skyrim Redone even has checks for this) and would adjust your armor rating appropriately.Much of my ideas for mods have already been done actually.

I never did them myself because I was never interesting in learning the advanced programming necessary, but unless Skyrim Redone already does this, the concept of armor separation is still on the table.Skyrim Redone actually has the ability to do this already without too much difficulty. When wearing Heavy Armour it gives you a debuff that lowers movement speed, so the idea that Light Armor could give you a debuff that lowers your base damage resistance or something similar is possible.It's still possible to game it though, since you can still have a much higher armor rating than is necessary to cap (mostly to combat armour reduction debuffs) but it was an interesting balance debate for me.