The Mars Volta Discografia Mega

Ps to complete this post you can post something of japanese band polysics that for me is th band more similar to Devo today only a bit more amphetamics 24 de agosto de 2016 01:40 Daniel Vera Anton disse. Oct 24, 2008 - Page 1 of 3 - Mars Volta Mega Sale! Posters and more! - posted in The Mars Volta:!!!NOTHING FOR SALE AT THIS TIME!!!! Please see last.

I've done something similar so I could get all the tracks into the one cd for the car. I also took away some of the ambience at the end of Cygnus.I did the slightly controversial move of putting frances last.

I always felt Cygnus, starting with sarcophagi, was a better way to open the album. Plus I like ending the album with 'this never happened. ', kind of feels like the whole story needs to be reconsidered. And the distorted sarcophagi at the end of frances feels beat up and jaded, after the journey of the album, in comparison to the crisp clear version at the start of Cygnus.I love this album so much. I like that thinking. I've actually never tired the glass = meth aspect of the story in the context of the song.

Mars Volta Albums

I've actually always seen those lines referring to Frances' rapist (Cygnus?) denying the act (though admittedly it's a bit straight forward, especially in the context of the album). Though there's also the 'what you took from me is mine, what is mine I'll never give ' line from the song.That said, I could be completely wrong. There are so many prevalent theories about what is going on in the album that I've decided to give up trying to see it as a whole complete story. Some of the theories are fascinating, yet so different, which is what makes it such an incredible album.

The mars volta wiki

It literally means different things depending on the listener. So I've taken the stance of rather than understanding the album in its entirety, I'm just enjoying the little snippets here and there that I've picked up or decided for myself.I'll say it again: I love this album.

I read somewhere before that Frances was supposed to be the first track and Sarcophogi was put on the front of Cygnus instead when the label cut the album down to 1 disc.Going from that, I started with Frances and then edited sarcophogi out of the beginning of Cygnus. It flows really well on the playlist I created in iTunes, all songs are the iTunes versions, I used the iTunes options to adjust the start and end times of a couple of things, I'll note them here:. Frances the Mute - stop set to: 14:30 (14:39 long iTunes version). Cygnus.Vismund Cygnus - start: 0:45:15 (13:02 - length of the song). The Widow - no adjustment (5:51 - length of the song). L'Via L'Viaquez - no adjustment (12:22). Miranda That Ghost Just Isn't Ho.

(13:10). Cassandra Gemini (32:32)Set up like this, the transition from Frances to Cygnus sounds very Volta-esque to me, with the wandering at the end of Frances cut off quickly by the start of Cygnus, just like the original has with the abrupt end to sarcophogi.

Also, if you divide this up as the first 4 tracks and then the last 2, it ends up being 2 45min discs.Just what I did, only way I listen to it any more, Frances at the beginning just makes the whole thing so much more epic.