Mass Effect Liara Or Ashley

It seems as though a lot of players chose Liara as Shepard's love interest in Mass Effect 1. Liara was one of the easiest characters to romance and she didn't care if Shepard was male or female. Now Liara is no longer a crew member so how can you have a continued romance with her in Mass Effect 2? Is staying faithful enough? Will she know if you cheat on her?

ByFandoms:.02 Jun 2019 Tags.SummarySome people think that just being an omega, makes a person weak.Here, in the Alliance, it's different. We value our omegas.

One of our omegas is worth more than a hundred of you alpha pups.Here, it is you who must be worthy to fight alongside them.Now featuring art in Chapters 1, 13, 14 and 21. Series.Part 1 ofLanguage: English Words: 67,448 Chapters: 26/?


Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 7922. ByFandoms:,.08 May 2019 Tags.SummaryConcerned for her friend's mental and physical health, EDI takes control of the Normandy and begins sexually tormenting the crew. After all, she can use her sensors to know exactly what makes someone aroused, even if they say they're not. Her friends may resist at first, but they'll eventually realize she just wants to help them. She loves them. Language: English Words: 97,311 Chapters: 17/?

Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 4051. ByFandoms:.22 Feb 2019 Tags.SummaryAlmost a quarter of a century has passed since the end of the Reaper War. The massive beings that once tried to destroy life, now help preserve peace. As the rest of the Galaxy moves on with their lives, Miranda Lawson struggles to forget. An ominous new danger reunites old friends and forces Miranda into a life she thought she'd left behind.Unrelated to the Fate series.

Language: English Words: 78,546 Chapters: 16/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 1598.

By,Fandoms:.17 May 2015 Tags.SummaryWhen Liara's heat grips her ahead of schedule, the entire crew goes crazy right along with her, especially a certain dashing Commander. With the Normandy in chaos, her medication failing, and temptation everywhere, she knows she must make a choice, one that hopefully won't ruin the fledgling relationship she has just started to build.

Series.Part 1 ofLanguage: English Words: 20,572 Chapters: 6/6 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 25569. ByFandoms:.05 May 2015 Tags.Summary.NB: Heavy hiatus on this work. Probably around 50% done at the moment, but just a heads up that further chapters (if any) would be long in coming. Thanks.After thirty years assuming the Reapers had won and scattering the beacons to warn the future, acting Commander of the SSV Normandy SR-2, Lieutenant Commander Ashley Williams and her crew discover all may not have been as it appeared in the Battle for Sol.

(Sequel to 'Blue'.) Series.Part 2 ofLanguage: English Words: 61,278 Chapters: 25/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 2809. ByFandoms:.20 Feb 2015 Tags.SummaryMy name is Ashley Williams. I'm not famous; you wouldn't have heard of me. If you looked at me, you'd never know the extreme circumstances that took me from a small colony to the heart of the Council races. The things I've witnessed over this journey have shocked me, awed me, and changed me. I'm not the woman I was; I've been changed.

But in the wake of everything that's happened, the galaxy itself has been changed as well. I can't hope to know how all this will work out, or what long-lasting repercussions these events will have.

No, the only thing I can hope to make sense of is how it has affected me, and those around me. This is my story.

Haha nah I'm going to make sure she lives cause I like her. But I don't think I get to build rapport and stuff now since I'm already at virmire I think I might have like 1 or 2 side missions left but I doubt that will open up any dialogue options.Also I don't know who to choose. I think ashley is really hot and since shes human she appeals to me but there is just something about Liara and her amazing voice that gets to me. Also I want to be careful with my choice cause I know it will continue into mass effect 2 right?

@diablo47ronin said: 'Haha nah I'm going to make sure she lives cause I like her. But I don't think I get to build rapport and stuff now since I'm already at virmire I think I might have like 1 or 2 side missions left but I doubt that will open up any dialogue options.Also I don't know who to choose. I think ashley is really hot and since shes human she appeals to me but there is just something about Liara and her amazing voice that gets to me. Also I want to be careful with my choice cause I know it will continue into mass effect 2 right?' If you choose Liara, you'll get the most out of the 'Lair of the Shadow Broker' DLC for ME2. @RVonE said: ' @diablo47ronin said: 'Haha nah I'm going to make sure she lives cause I like her. But I don't think I get to build rapport and stuff now since I'm already at virmire I think I might have like 1 or 2 side missions left but I doubt that will open up any dialogue options.Also I don't know who to choose.

I think ashley is really hot and since shes human she appeals to me but there is just something about Liara and her amazing voice that gets to me. Also I want to be careful with my choice cause I know it will continue into mass effect 2 right?' If you choose Liara, you'll get the most out of the 'Lair of the Shadow Broker' DLC for ME2. 'Is it me, or are Bioware really trying to hint that they might want Liara as Shephard's canonical love interest? Also to diablo, yes your love interest choice will carry over, as well as a lot of other smaller choices (in minor roles of course). @RVonE said: ' @TheMustacheHero said: ' @ShiftyMagician: It's the default choice if you didn't carry over your save sooo- yeah.

'That's not true. I've just completed a run through ME2 on the pc without any carry-overs and the picture frame in Shepard cabin was empty. Also, when Shepard met Liara for the first time in her office, she didn't kiss him. That said, Lair of the Shadow Broker at least leaves the impression that Shepard and Liara are very close; regardless of their past. 'Out of curiosity who was the cannon Virmire survivor? I actually had three different saves to import so never bothered doing a cannon run.

@Karkarov said: ' @RVonE said: ' @TheMustacheHero said: ' @ShiftyMagician: It's the default choice if you didn't carry over your save sooo- yeah. 'That's not true. I've just completed a run through ME2 on the pc without any carry-overs and the picture frame in Shepard cabin was empty.

Also, when Shepard met Liara for the first time in her office, she didn't kiss him. That said, Lair of the Shadow Broker at least leaves the impression that Shepard and Liara are very close; regardless of their past. 'Out of curiosity who was the cannon Virmire survivor? I actually had three different saves to import so never bothered doing a cannon run. ' Ash survived Virmire.

@RVonE said: ' @Karkarov said: ' @RVonE said: ' @TheMustacheHero said: ' @ShiftyMagician: It's the default choice if you didn't carry over your save sooo- yeah. 'That's not true. I've just completed a run through ME2 on the pc without any carry-overs and the picture frame in Shepard cabin was empty. Also, when Shepard met Liara for the first time in her office, she didn't kiss him. That said, Lair of the Shadow Broker at least leaves the impression that Shepard and Liara are very close; regardless of their past. 'Out of curiosity who was the cannon Virmire survivor? I actually had three different saves to import so never bothered doing a cannon run. 'Ash survived Virmire.

Mass Effect Liar A Or Ashley

'I played ME1 on PC &ME2 on 360 so didn't import a save, &Kaidan was the one to survive. Think it's gender-dependent; I was playing a female Shepard. @velucyraptor said: ' @RVonE said: ' @Karkarov said: ' @RVonE said: ' @TheMustacheHero said: ' @ShiftyMagician: It's the default choice if you didn't carry over your save sooo- yeah. 'That's not true. I've just completed a run through ME2 on the pc without any carry-overs and the picture frame in Shepard cabin was empty. Also, when Shepard met Liara for the first time in her office, she didn't kiss him. That said, Lair of the Shadow Broker at least leaves the impression that Shepard and Liara are very close; regardless of their past.

'Out of curiosity who was the cannon Virmire survivor? I actually had three different saves to import so never bothered doing a cannon run. 'Ash survived Virmire. 'I played ME1 on PC &ME2 on 360 so didn't import a save, &Kaidan was the one to survive. Think it's gender-dependent; I was playing a female Shepard ' You are absolutely correct; it is gender dependent. When I wrote that Ash survived, I was thinking of my last playthrough.


Mass Effect 2 Ashley Or Liara

I forgot that Kaiden survived on one of my other non-import playthroughs. @RVonE said: ' @Karkarov said: ' @Brendan said: ' Always choose 'Can't I have both?' Trust me;) 'Quoted for truth. @RVonE said: 'Ash survived Virmire. 'Quoted for how much that info sucks, psycho racist freakazoid! Kaiden may have been as adventurous and interesting as pasteurized goats milk but at least I didn't want to punch him in the face every time he spoke.

'While I kind of agree with some of the sentiment, having the good natured Kaiden die feels somewhat more impactful to me. Plus I always felt Kaiden had a better grasp of the situation than Ashley, and was more at peace with his fate. @VelvetLore04 said: 'Man Ashley is the better choice for a love interest simply because she is a far better character than Liara is.

People can't seem to get beyond 'space racist' and actually see her character under it. 'Even beyond the xenophobia she's never been a particularly likeable character for me. Half the time she talks I roll my eyes. I don't think I'd ever feel right persuing a relationship with her. Liara isn't perfect, and I can't shake the feeling she's sleeping with me because of my visions, but atleast I can speak to her without gritting my teeth. Plus the Shadowbroker DLC in ME2 gives the Liara romance more weight. @diablo47ronin: Sorry, pal. That's the only time you get the chance.

After you hit Ilos you're on the fast track to the final hours of the game. It's the hard line point of no return and you won't be able to roam your ship, visit the citidel, or explore the galaxy after going to Ilos. Also, I really think you guys that hate Ashley really aren't taking into consideration WHY she acts the way she does. She was raised in a military family and lost beloved members to the Turians in war. It happens right now on Earth when a specific group harrases you, trash talks you, or goes so far as to get violent with you or your family over a long period of time or during a heated conflict it's normal to develop some hatred. Building a church building from the ground up video. Overlooked still is the fact that you as Shepard can actually say all the right things to her and she'll start to change her tune (I think you can have that conversation after the second mission, perhaps?). It's not even like shes simply a one-minded racist that refuses to give up her beliefs.


She's a girl with some issues, but nobody's perfect. Liara simply had no personality as opposed to a flawed one. In the comics and Mass Effect 2 she actually gets one, though. What I said to liara exactly is that Ash is special but that I feel attracted to her as well.

But after that ash gave me the cold shoulder, she did the drinking celebration thing with me and talked about the family but then I talked to liara and that somehow killed my Ash romance. Given my choices I think I should have got the conference room confrontation so something is not right. I found the save where I talked to ash and we did the celebration but it is quite a ways back (about level 23 and my current save is 44. Its like 15 hours back). So I was thinking of reloading from there and sticking with ash and straight up rejecting Liara. I guess I could go straight to Faros and then to virmire to save time and skip the side missions but do you think I'll be too weak at that point to finish the game?

Also what will be the consequences of my lower level in ME2? @diablo47ronin said: ' What I said to liara exactly is that Ash is special but that I feel attracted to her as well.

But after that ash gave me the cold shoulder, she did the drinking celebration thing with me and talked about the family but then I talked to liara and that somehow killed my Ash romance. Given my choices I think I should have got the conference room confrontation so something is not right. I found the save where I talked to ash and we did the celebration but it is quite a ways back (about level 23 and my current save is 44.

Its like 15 hours back). So I was thinking of reloading from there and sticking with ash and straight up rejecting Liara. I guess I could go straight to Faros and then to virmire to save time and skip the side missions but do you think I'll be too weak at that point to finish the game? Also what will be the consequences of my lower level in ME2?Thanks! 'Don't worry about being a lower level.

You won't get as much of a bonus like the one when you are a higher level, but this isn't exactly a game where they punish people who aren't at top level in their endgame save from the first game. You'll be fine. @RVonE: Sorry for real late reply but just had to say I read your response on the default canon without the save for ME2, and thanks for re-clarifying hehe. @diablo47ronin said: ' Hey shifty, what kind of bonuses do you get when your a higher level? 'Whoa for some reason I didn't see this in my messages and got led here by Napalm a week later christ. All it is is extra experience so you start at a higher level, some extra points in paragon/renegade for how much you had of each in your save, as well as some money (nothing too extravagant).

You can live without any of it, even in insanity. I just did it to get my Shephard's history through to the next game and experience the game under the choices I made before.