Half Life 1 Directx

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Originally posted by:Make sure you use something around 100-120º, the default of 90º is pretty bad. Probably because goldsrc engine games didn't adjust for widescreen monitorsfor a 16:9 monitor you need to use FOV of 106.26 to have the widescreen equivalent of 90FOV on a 4:3 monitorBut Source engine games adjust it automatically I think.Even the default of 90º in Source is pretty bad, I used to set it to 100º or something but they broke it in one of the updates, now if you try to go over 90º it changes de view model FoV, if I want a better FoV I have to run the game in a wider resolution. Originally posted by:I can change the fov without problems, but I have an issue with weapons. When I change the default fov the weapons disappear, they become invisible, although I can shoot and see the ammo, but I can´t see the model. I use software renderer because OpenGL is too laggy, widescreen fullscreen and the best resolution possible, I don´t know what am I doing wrong. What's your specs?

Half Life 1 Directx

Half Life Opengl

Half Life 1 Directx

Half-life 1 smd reader in directx (coord system problem) By mon, July 28, 2008 in Graphics and GPU Programming This topic is 3960 days old which is more than the 365 day threshold we allow for new replies.

Half-life 1 Demo


Half Life 1 Renderer

OpenGL is not laggy unless you use AMD, so if its laggy use 'Allow low video quality.' This effectively makes the game render like it used to before Steampipe.