Undertale Doki Doki Literature Club

Undertale Doki Doki Literature Club

Doki Doki Literature Club Online

Part 2725.I have been known, in the past, to overdramatize events; it’s possible that I’m doing so again in this situation. If that’s the case, I apologize for overhyping an event that might not be that big a deal.

Doki Doki Discord Club is a Doki Doki Literature Club server, we're looking for staff currently, so if you'd like to help out, join us!-We aim to be a friendly, welcoming community to everyone.We have modding & just general ddlc channels.-A cute, organised server setup! Join today We'd love to have a new member of the club! The Doki Doki Literature Club! Wiki is a fanmade non-profit database housing information about the game Doki Doki Literature Club! Contributions are greatly appreciated, but before anything, make sure to check out the wiki's policy page. Please realize that this wiki is filled to the brim with spoilers, and it's recommended you play the game. Doki Doki Literature Club! (Visual Novel) (1088) Undertale (Video Game) (18) Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types (10). Protagonist/Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club!) (42.

I fully understand that some scenarios are more intense for some than others, and this might be one of those times. The last thing I want to do is drum up unnecessary hype.That being said, I just want to make my thoughts known on it. Games like this don’t usually stick with me that hard. I played through Spec Ops: The Line without much more than a little annoyance. I regularly pick the jerk option in games and don’t generally mind when bad things happen to good people.


I used to without much more than precursory guilt.THIS is the scene that’s stuck with me…and the scene that will probably haunt me for a long time. It’s not a long scene, but it’s potent.If you’re not ready to feel super bad about causing a good person unnecessary anguish…bail now. This is my last warning.This particular ending only works with a fresh install of the game (I think), but here’s a quick note.

Undertale Doki Doki Literature Club Crossover

The game says that you need to reinstall it in order to replay no matter what, but you can also delete the file called firstrun in the game folder and it accomplishes the same thing. Useful if you don’t feel like reinstalling half a gig multiple times because SOMEONE keeps deleting your game file saves when you’re TRYING to LP A GAME MONIKA.Hey, as long as we’re in the game folder, thoughLet’s redelete the Monika file. We’re now going to be starting Doki Doki Literature Club without Monika included in any way.Note that this one of the only situations where messing with the CHR files actually does anything (other than during the main ending, of course). It would be pretty neat if there were more changes that happened if you were to delete, say, Yuri – but it’s unfortunately not that advanced. A little bit of wasted potential, but it probably would have required a lot more programming than Dan Salvato was prepared to include. Oh well.You’re going to need to delete your previous save data on this screen.Peace out, happy ending.

Doki Doki Literature Club Demo

You never existed.BGM:The game starts normally.You’ll need to put in a new name. For some reason, the intro screen doesn’t recognize that Monika’s gone – a shame, considering that that particular opening graphic is already in the game files. Again, oh well.I didn’t skip any screenshots. The game cold-opens on Sayori.I highly suggest that you watch this scene via the following link.