Web Account Manager Windows 10

This question already has an answer here:.2 answersI am trying to optimize a user's laptop PC which has become very sluggish. It's a 10-year-old Dell Inspiron 1545 with a single-core Intel Celeron running at 2.2 GHz, with 3 GB RAM, running 64-bit Windows 10 with the latest updates (Fall Creators Update, 10.0.16299).Although grossly under-powered by today's standards, it used to work just fine for the user's purposes (web browsing, email and word processing) when it was running Windows 7. It seems to have slowed down when Windows 10 was automatically installed and possibly continued slowing down ever since.I've looked at existing questions on the Internet but none of the suggestions so far worked.When the laptop is sitting there doing nothing, it's using 91% CPU. Memory usage is 50% (1.5 GB out of 3 GB). Disk activity is between 0 and 2%. It has a single C: drive with just 61 GB in use and 157 GB free.

All of these services are “Standard” with Windows 10 and installed by default, with. Token Broker is removed and renamed to Web Account Manager; Update.

Web Account Manager Windows 10

I start up Minecraft and the whole computer locked up because Web Account Manager used over 70% of the cpu, consistently use 80%, the computer locked up so badly to the point that conrtol-alt-delete wont work and have to force shut down it multiple timesI even let it runs at the title screen(have a huge lag ever few seconds). When it stop, every interaction caused a massive spike in the usage, from going the menu, in a world(massive input lag) and multiple lock ups, i can't even do anything.Moved from: Windows / Gaming on Windows 10. Hi MohammadHafiz2,There might be a possible program that might be running on the background that might cause the issue.

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Web account manager windows 10 download

That being said, it would be best toon yourWindows 10. This way we'd be able to eliminate the possibility of other factors on the reason for the prompt to show, also for the high CPU usage that you experience.

Reason why I wanted to confirm if are you making any alterations on the program, there might be a possible server setting that might be contributing ot the issue if you're using one. Thank you for confirm as well.

Microsoft Web Account Manager

In this case, it could be possible thatthis might be either with the app connecting to it's server. More of an app reponding to it's server. Specially if it requires internet connection for it to run. From this point, since you mentioned that theWeb Account Manager service on Minecraft is the only one spiking, have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling your app? Be advised to back up any files needed by your program before you proceed.To perform further testing and isolation, you can create a new user profile to see if the issue would persists when using Minecraft. You canand name it astest.

This way we'd be able to tell what steps to take next.I'll be waiting for the results to assist you further. I did that, 3 times before i went and sent a feedback.

I'm giving up at this point, its obvious that the problem is how Web Account Manager service coded. Authenticating something through the web doesn't need over 70% of the cpu usage to do it(intel Celeronbtw). I'm gonna end this discussion with this, recode the service so it doesn't use that much usage, people who have low spec hardware gonna suffer this.Before ending all this, i wanna ask, How Web Account manager service work that cause to use over 70% of the cpu usage? (side note, it still use alot of CPU usage on Email or Xbox live app, just not as long, but still use alot of the cpu).