Alternative To Msi Afterburner

In case it wasn't obvious, be sure to check 'Unlock voltage control'. Also I don't know if this will help, but I used MSI afterburner for a while then it suddenly refused to let me alter voltage for some unknown reason (It worked before). So I tried Sapphire Trixx and it seems to work fine for me. Jan 14, 2017  Hey I've been using afterburner and rivatuner to show the gpu temps in game but suddenly today it started interrupting with radeon crimson settings because i have my power to high radeon settings kept on resetting my settings and crashing i reinstalled drivers even older drivers but i also went back to original settings in radeon settings and adjusted the settings in afterburner, but it was.


Msi afterburner download freeAlternative To Msi Afterburner

Hey guys,I'm using MSI Afterburner since a few months, runs good so far but I found there some strange issues:. why do I have to connect a monitor once to the GPU so Afterburner is able to change the clocks and MEM, does anybody know a workaround for this?. when the system is running with OC settings in Afterburner, Afterburner gets really slow and temporary freezes when I click into the window, but it still works properly. is there any similiar software to afterburner in Linux?

I really like Linux more then Windows for mining but I also want a software for OC, also commandlinetools would be nice. How do SimpleminingOS and EthOS do the overclocking?BR xMines.


Click to expand.I always love offers to be “open minded”, which sounds as a soft form of “shut up and do what we want”.What if there is something in implementation, which you don’t see but I do? There is already “minimal GUI/text” allowing you to select any GPU available in the system (with no any max GPU limits) inside application properties, in “General” tab. That is more than enough for those, who actually need to control such systems.But making more than 8 GPUs to appear in quick GPU selection panel of the skins requires redesigning ALL skins.

And that’s BY FAR not a minimal GUI/text. You’re free to create such skins for miners yourself, if you see it that important.