Red Orchestra 2 Wallpapers

  1. Red Orchestra 2 Price

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. Cold Hearted. Cold Hearted Memories of War. Memories of War Precision Matters. Precision Matters Ready for War.

We are a fan run community for the Red Orchestra and Rising Storm franchises. A majority of our discussion is based around RO2 and RS1, but talk of RO1, RS2, or any mods is completely welcome. We have a few rules, nothing major. Thanks for visiting!Rules. No Ban appeals - Please take them to the respective community's board. Follow Reddit's community rules.

Keep discussions civil. No insults or attacks of any kind. No Naming and Shaming/Witchhunting. No Server policy discussion.

Mods reserve the right to make final decisions. Excessive racism will be met with a perm ban.Automod removes any post by new accounts.

If you make a post and don't see it in /new within 5-10 minutes shoot the mods a message and we'll look into it. I spend some time today to figure out how to get RO2 running in LAN since there is no button in the menu. The server is not distributed with RO2 and you need to download it separately but thankfully the whole process is very simple, just not well explained.Here is how you do it:.

Download. Run it and let it install to the default folder. It will be 'C:Program Files (x86)ValveHLServer' or something similar.Now open a command prompt and enter these commands: cd 'C:Program Files (x86)ValveHLServer'hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game redorchestra2 -dir 'C:Program Files (x86)ValveHLServerro2'Now hldsupdatetool will probably prompt for admin access and download about 700MB and drop them into the ro2 folder (C:Program Files (x86)ValveHLServerro2). Open it with the windows explorer.The next stop is important: Select the RO2 folder in windows explorer switch to the security tab in the preferences and click 'edit'. Then select 'Users' and give it full control. If you want you can also just give your user full control.

Click okay and then on 'Advanced'. In the Permissions tab select 'Users' again and click 'Change permissions'. In the new dialog select 'Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object' and click 'OK' again.


Click 'OK' for the other two dialogs as well.At that point your server is pretty much ready to use. To start it doubleclick 'ro2server.bat' and wait for it to start up. Give it about a minute to boot and then stop it again. On the first start the server will have created some config files in 'ro2/rogame/config'.The file 'ROWeb.ini' is important. Open it and change the following entry: IpDrv.WebServerbEnabled=falseTo IpDrv.WebServerbEnabled=trueThen save and edit 'ROGame.ini' and change this entry: Engine.AccessControlAdminPassword=To a password of your choice: Engine.AccessControlAdminPassword=yourpasswordAlso you want to enable LAN mode: ROGame.ROGameInfobLANServer=trueSave again.Now you can start up the server again. To configure your server without having to edit files you can at this point go to and the web admin will wait for you.

Red Orchestra 2 Price

Red orchestra 3

Pretty much all the settings can be changed there (with some exceptions such as VAC, passwords etc.). The username is 'admin' and the password is what you set in the config.If you don't see your server in the LAN tab now make sure that you have not filtered it out by accident. The server by default will be in relaxed realism mode so you might not see if it you have a filter set.Have fun LAN partying:-).