Shot Sinhala Kawibana Odiyo

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ChandrapremaAccording to Chandraprema, as he was leaving the funeral of the mother of Ven Medagoda Abhayatissa Thero in Narammala, he had been accosted by Gnanasara, who had proceeded to abuse and threaten him.“I was speaking to the Chief Incumbent of another temple when Gnanasara accosted me and asked me if I was Chandraprema. On answering in the affirmative, Gnanasara thera said “mama thamusege kana palanawa (I will split open your ear),” Chandraprema told Colombo Telegraph.Chandraprema said: “I told Gnansara that this was Ven. Abhayatissa’s monther’s funeral and if there was anything to be discussed, that should be discussed outside the premises. “While moving a few steps towards the road, Gnanasara told me “Mama dannawa thamusege Kolapata Samajaya gena (I know your Green Society. This is the title of a book Chandraprema wrote several decades ago –Ed)” and then again Gnanasara said “mata puluwan thamusege kana palanna.” Whereupon I told Gnanasara “Ehemanam hamuduruwane kana palanna (in that case reverand, proceed to split my ear).“At this point, some senior monks intervened and sent me away. This is a strange experience. I have been threatened by a Bhikku who wears the robe of the Buddha whereas I have never been threatened by a politician in that manner in all my years in journalism!”.

Now we see, that they are in pieces.This is what we wanted.Stupid forces will never succedd their criminal movements.Gotabaya has lost his program dhiwimaga.Many would not support the bugger. Now we have been reaching to the real nemesis of Rajapakshes.Last week I heard that AVANGUARD case ended not in favours of Gotabaya.They still have to face the charges.Now the mafia family will have to face it inlcuding burtal Rajapakshe family of 4 in Medamulana and their brothers all togehter.Wait and see, the day, is no far from now.

Jaya niyathayi. Good news that there are also forces standing against Wimal Buruwasne within his own party to this date.So, his times are numbered. I think they will have to accept very same folks would not allow the kind of stupid men to fool them on and on.We need to put Wimal WEERAWANSE in a prison for his rest of life in order to allow good moves to progress in this nation. His mouth piece is the most abusive as nothing can be comparable to it.It comes from his background he s been coming from.

School drop out, no whatsoever any proper education but a mouth piece as any other thug on the street louds while the gallery would stay mum being helpless.Lanken folks – wake up, we need to give our future generation a life.Just hng on with hatreds, and malacy cant bring us forward. God bless our folk! Ghanasara is like a fish out of water right these days. So may be he thought to abuse the chance to challenge Chandraprema.However, this man Ghanasara s days ar numbered. This man have a mountains of high charges even bigger than Meethotamulla, but for some reasons they have been blocked by the current rulers too, may be they feel if the bugger woudl have been arrested, clashes across the country would have been case.Fearlessly, rulers have to react on this murderous creature, who has been soaked human blood of the folks having behaved like an animal.

He has no whatsover respect to anyone but to him.The kind of thugs should be exposed to the society.Just ignoring the buggers KAWIBANA. That is an another redherrings to cheat the gulliable masses that would then say, see, how the aggressive monk sings his kawibana.Enough is enough this man should be beheaded once for all, in order to leave the reconcilaition process go forward.God bless srilanka! This chap is disgracing the sangha. The Ginthota incident was also orchestrated by Gnanasara behind the scenes, but he ACTED as a peace maker hoping to score some good points against the mountain of serious cases he has against him. This violent piece of garbage got 3 counts of bail under an hour and had the serious charges amended to lesser ones even after openly disobeying the courts.

Sri Lanka is rapidly slipping into a state of lawlessness to the extend that religious thugs are more powerful than political thugs. The sasana is bieng corroded at an unprecedented rate from the inside out, while the mahanayakes are busy using these cheewaradariyos to play political games. If you want to protect buddism, first and foremost the sasana needs to be tamed. What you have now are sanga mudalali’s weaponizing buddism for fame, power and money under the disguise of protecting it from phantom threats.

Shot Sinhala Kawibana Odiyo

A wise person will see that the sasana itself has turned out to be the biggest and most dangerous threat to the country, because of its members making every effort possible to start a blood bath at every possible turn. What does Asgiriya Chapter say about this? Doesn’t its Karaka Saba assemble immediately and denounce this rascal (Chandraprema) for publicly complaining against the Most Venerable Atte Gnasara Thera?Doesn’t he know that the monks like Rev.Gnasasara Thera never do wrongdoings. Further doesn’t he know that a civilian like him does not have any right to criticize the conduct of a monk like Rev Gnanasara in this Buddhist country in which the Buddhism has been granted the prominence by the constitution?

So shall we take action to expel this rascal (Chandraprema) from Buddhism and from this Buddhist Country too for defaming this well disciplined Buddha Puttra. Once a member of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP)during the heydays of their insurrection, C.A. Chandrapremais now a journalist. There is no question about it.However, he is the only one kind in perhaps the whole world.He chairs news conferences, takes part in seminars and makespolitical speeches at public meetings. Whether his views aregood or bad is not the question.Can one expect any objectivity from such a person? Can hereport dispassionately on any issue without allowing his ownprejudices influencing him? How does one believe such aperson.However, Rev Gnanasara should not have abused him publicly.It would have been nicer if he showed this man who has somehidden agenda the correct path.

Most readers at present do notbelieve Chandraprema because his views are tainted. It was wrong. He had never been a JVP member, but a member of the Independent Students’ Union led by Daya Pathirana who was murdered by the JVP.

He was a student of the Faculty of Law, but I am not aware whether he has completed his degree or not. But during the JVP insurrection, he had death threats from JVP. But I admit the other versions of Mr. He does not have single and solid policy on anything. It seems that he turns his policies to his advantage. But we must outright look down upon the conduct of Rev.

Gnanasara which gives disgrace to Buddhism. Soldier games free download. By mistake, it seems, CT thinking that there is split and celebrating secretly inside the heart. Sajin and Pillayan has been negotiated by Yahapalanaya and reattached to original places. Yahapalanaya will talk with Gnanam and make sure it is patched up.

Past three years they were have proved their ability of dealing out court courts this way, not prosecuting one single criminal.It is not a sibling rivalry, for some dirty laundry come out to be cleaned on the public washing machine.I assure here, no new perl will be spilled out of this.But this the usual SLFP-UNP, Chitanta -Yahapalanaya splits; that is making sister companies from the mother company. Splitting the Mullivaikal harvest is different from sharing Central Bank looting. Unlike the Mr.Clean cover ups in Yahapalanaya, once in awhile one of the war heros run out on the road with amude. But it is not shame.Gnanam did not reveal, as the symptoms of Yahapalanaya-Chitanata union agreements, what is causing the mouth batting( battling). He has just said he has a file on Chandraperuma. Chandraprema challenged Gnanam if he has one, to go ahead. That Gnanam understood as the extend of the file Chanraperuma having on Gnanam.A portrayal of usual Lankawe Lord Buddha’s Religious piousness, Patriotics journalism and the statesmanship of politics.

Two coolies checking the gold price of Thalikodies in the open market to assess each other’s networth. It is time this wretched creature is ostracised by the ruling clique, the Clergy, the Buddhist people and the country. It is unfortunate the system permitted Kudu Mervin made it to the Cabinet through Chandikama. He ended up as a multi-millionaire. Gandassara probably gathers inspiration from the likes of the infamous Buddharakita Thero. That he is given a luxurious Mercedes Benz to go about is an example of our deformed values.

Do the Mahanayakas have the backbone to leash this part-animal. That will send out a message to the Buddhist population in the country it is time the yellow robe be looked upon as an object of veneration.CAC is not my favourite journo – although a hard-working one who knows his politics. He writes exceptionally well. He cannot be scared by cowards in robes. I believe CAC is the son of the very respected Col.

Pity he is a man with an Agenda. He knows which side the bread is buttered – and that is not principled journalism. Or is he a victim of our declining values of a ruptured society. Still, if this ugly incident is not taken seriously free and fear reporting journalists may be gradually lost. Unless this mad monk is taken to task we might have the misfortune of seeing the reincarnation of Buddharakhita of 1958 ill-fame.Pandaranayagam /. Some comments have no direction, no breaking mechanism.Gnanam is Buddharakkhita Thero? Come on Guys, then shouldn’t he have had killed Old King by now, before Old King losing the election? Gnanam never rejected 100% Ranil, nor accepted 100% Old King.


Though it was only a small, Gnanam in fact split the Old King’s votes in the last election. Those SWRD’s guys were purely after money and women. I don’t want to go define Gnanam’s character and go wrong. But it is not like those guys, who were only for money and women. Certainly there is a part in him for Buddhism (t extremism). Unless one know who is his opponent, that one will not effectively oppose his enemy. Gnanam is an open man, unlike the dirty crook journalist.

When he was hiding for police, he openly hides in the Justice Ministers facilities. That is how Gnanam is. Gnanam did not say why he started the fight.

That is something everyone interested to know, but not to use it save Chandraperuma. At the time of the history, Gnanam is biggest Chandikaraya in the Monks. He openly invited Chandraperuma for a fight. He knows if there is something problem he has to face, not just Old Royals, even Ranil will save him.

Chandraperuma, who should have used his journalism to protect people, abused it. But Yahapalanaya will use that occasion to investigate his association with Old Royals.

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Shot Sinhala Kawibana Odiyo Video

He could not go to police because he knows even Yahapalanaya will not hurt Gnanam.Is that Gnanam is guilty because of his radicalism or just because another rotten rubbish has complaints against Gnanam. If Chandraperuma is coal, Sinhala Buddhist will call Gnanam diamond. Pot may call kettle black, but Chandraperuma has say nothing about Gnanam.