Battlefront 2 Conversion Pack Not Working

IMPORTANT:recently I have been made aware that a fellow battlefront 2 modder was planning on creating his own Crait map, I had no clue about this and if I would have known I probably would not have started production on my map. I have already been working on this for a few weeks and its actually doing really well so its late to turn back.I beleive inThe reason WHY I've made a Crait map is so to be added to my EA battlefront 2 conversion pack. I am not trying to copy and steal ideas! I am a fair guy and I know that If I had an idea and someone eels made something before me i might be feeling bad.The more and more I think about it there are probably more then 2 of us who want to recreate. Crait (lol reCRAIT).

Download Star Wars Battlefront Conversion Pack 2.0 More Star Wars Battlefront II Mods This mod from Maveritchell adds 25 new maps - including all of the maps from Battlefront 1 not originally featured in Battlefront 2, 5 new gamemodes, a new era, and a substantial amount of expanded unit content. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Ultimate Pack. It is LucasArts that owns the work, not us modders, as per the agreement in the mod tools. Star Wars Total Conversion) may get copyright striked by EA since they are the biggest I've ever spoken to. But hey ho, Star Wars Battlecry has a bigger risk than I do. This was meant to be typed in red but I. The Conversion Pack is a must-have for all players, and for many of the other mods on this list, as it provides improved units and modes, while porting the maps from Star Wars: Battlefront (2004) and bringing the Knights of the Old Republic era to Battlefront II.While you have to install the v1.3 file before adding v2.0 and v2.2 to your mod folder, the instructions are easy to follow and the.

Battlefront 2 conversion pack not working windows 10

Anyways I want to point out that this map IS HEAVILY EA BASED there is still room for movie based Crait maps that are much bigger and better than mine guys.And when you think about it Crait is such an easy map to make its completely flat! And doesn't have very many objects either. Once you have the ski speeders and the At-M6's your pretty much set.

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The only thing that makes me diffrent from some of you less experienced modders is JUST experience. I want to motivate all of you who want to make a Crait map to NOT give up and GO FOR IT. Make the Best map there is!!In order to help all of you out I want to make any Ski Speeders and AT-M6 walkers I obtain FREE FOR DOWNLOAD here on gametoast - that way EVERYONE can make Crait!I believe in fair creativity for everyone and I don't want anyone to feel bad.

Got a few ideas: Speeder effects - You know how the vehicles emit smoke when your ship is hurt really badly? Maybe you could put that effect on the ship but yaknow, making the smoke red and biggerFootprints - So you know the black explosion marks that happen when you shoot the ground? For now until an actual solution is presented, youcould use that as the footprints and make it red instead of blackModels - Delta-1035's GCWII has great first order models (as well as flame troopers, finn, and phasma).

Recently I have been made aware that a fellow battlefront 2 modder was planning on creating his own Crait map, I had no clue about this and if I would have known I probably would not have started production on my map. I have already been working on this for a few weeks and its actually doing really well so its late to turn back.I beleive inThe reason WHY I've made a Crait map is so to be added to my EA battlefront 2 conversion pack.

I am not trying to copy and steal ideas! I am a fair guy and I know that If I had an idea and someone eels made something before me i might be feeling bad.The more and more I think about it there are probably more then 2 of us who want to recreate. Crait (lol reCRAIT). Anyways I want to point out that this map IS HEAVILY EA BASED there is still room for movie based Crait maps that are much bigger and better than mine guys.And when you think about it Crait is such an easy map to make its completely flat! And doesn't have very many objects either. Once you have the ski speeders and the At-M6's your pretty much set. The only thing that makes me diffrent from some of you less experienced modders is JUST experience.

I want to motivate all of you who want to make a Crait map to NOT give up and GO FOR IT. Make the Best map there is!!In order to help all of you out I want to make any Ski Speeders and AT-M6 walkers I obtain FREE FOR DOWNLOAD here on gametoast - that way EVERYONE can make Crait!I believe in fair creativity for everyone and I don't want anyone to feel bad.

GO FOR YOUR DREAMS!!! Huscarl wrote:Got a few ideas: Speeder effects - You know how the vehicles emit smoke when your ship is hurt really badly? Maybe you could put that effect on the ship but yaknow, making the smoke red and biggerFootprints - So you know the black explosion marks that happen when you shoot the ground? For now until an actual solution is presented, youcould use that as the footprints and make it red instead of blackModels - Delta-1035's GCWII has great first order models (as well as flame troopers, finn, and phasma)MMMMmmmm thanks for the ideas.

I really think the speeder one is unique and i might just use it! Ill update you guys on the speeders with some new pictures soon - ill be using the closed B-Wing as a place holder speeder for now!Delta-1035's GCWII is pretty good but aside from a few things like the flametooper, resistance solider, and tie fighter (which i will ask him for), a lot of everything else is pretty much just retextures - kylo ren is a textured emperor, the first order toopers are retextured stormtroopers, same with Phasma, fin is a retextured luke, etc. Im not trying to undermine his work - he did an AMAZING job. It's just that alot of those things I can retexture do myself. For the standard first order trooper I'm using Anakin's first order troopers!! Good job on that by the way Anakin.on the post Anakin had for this trooper he said.

Battlefront 2 Conversion Pack Not Working

Battlefront 2 Conversion Pack Not Working On Youtube

Lorul1 wrote:Delta-1035's GCWII is pretty good but aside from a few things like the flametooper, resistance solider, and tie fighter (which i will ask him for), a lot of everything else is pretty much just retextures - kylo ren is a textured emperor, the first order toopers are retextured stormtroopers, same with Phasma, fin is a retextured luke, etc. Im not trying to undermine his work - he did an AMAZING job. It's just that alot of those things I can retexture do myself. FThanks for the kind words, but I must tell you that the 3 things that you plan to ask me are also reskins of vanilla models.

The fo flametrp is basically the stock stormie with a backpack released by sereja on swbfgamers, the resistance soldier is the rep spacepilot without the tubes and pack + the rebel backpack (IIRC) and the fo tie is the stock one/or the thelegend's one released with tatooine at war assets (can't remember which one I ended up releasing). AtAt's were indeed used on crait!! BUT if EA does not include them then i probably wont add theme either lol - we will see!Now regarding the Gorilla Walkers I am aware that there animation needs to be stiff in the arms so Ill agree with thelegend and say new animations would probably be best BUT i think that the standard ATAT animation would STILL make people happy. Whoever is making this model and animating it and what not its your call. Im slowly learning how to make 3d models and its actually going okay but I probably wouldn't be the one to make the ATM6 So MAJOR credit to who ever does that!Thanks by the way delta for all that helpful info and thanks for the support that should really help troop development and what not!BIG shoutout to MissingTexture who gave me some resistance soldiers! Pics along with the temporary 'Bwing ski speeder' will be coming later today everyone!Because this game works differently then battlefront 2 EA - I needed to make this map.

Battlefront 2 Conversion Pack Patch

NOT flat and boring! SOOO the first stage of this map will really emphasize trench warfair -Ill have the majority of AI wait in trenches and go 'over the top' based on a timer to move up following after the walkers! The resistance will get lots of sniper support and positions near the base! I think that an element of 'calm before the storm' will work well for this trench based map! If I can pull this off the right way it will be a lot more then just shooting AI coming at you from an open plain - the objectives will still remain the same as EA's map.

Battlefront 2 Conversion Pack Not Working Free

Ive already done some work on this but its not done yet.The question I want to know from you to help me develop this map is should the first order troopers use the clone's voices or the stormtroopers voices. I'm leaning toward clone voices to emphasize how brainwashed the first order troopers are - they are almost like clones in the scene that they are all share the same complete allegiance to the first order - it would be also unique and different from other maps - what are your thoughts.